One of the 40 Pillars mission is to fund the wrongfully incarcerated victims as a Litigation Funding company, and with our legal professionals to go to war and free all those innocent people.

Economics, Education, Health Care, Criminal Justice, Housing, Wrongful Convictions, Inadequate Legal Resources and Representation, Police Misconduct, Systemic Issues, Post-Conviction Challenges, and others are a few chronic problems in the US justice system and why so many innocents are wrongfully incarcerated.

The resources required once convicted for overturning the normal inmate doesn’t have.
Post-Conviction Challenges: Even after a conviction, proving one’s innocence can be an arduous process. High burdens of proof, limited access to new evidence, and procedural hurdles can make it difficult for wrongfully convicted individuals to present new information that could exonerate them.
This is where we excel, our network of Super Star Attorneys with vast experience on both sides of the justice system that knows exactly where the weaknesses in the prosecution are. Attacking those weaknesses in several fronts for the release and cash settlement.
With a pre-screening process, we identify and accept only cases that are winnable, making it even easier to get the FREEDOM for our clients.
As stated, it takes a vast amount of resources and expertise to fight a conviction, thus discourages any one from the Legal Services world to engage in this Business, thus leaving an open sea of opportunities for 40 Pillars to establish and dominate the stage on “Free the Innocent” scene.
Our projections show that there are over 50,000 Innocent Victims (and growing) in the prison system, giving us plenty of room to grow, and once freed, the expected settlement is $50K~200K per year depending on the state, plus damages. With our experts having selected the cases with high value settlement potentials and maximizing the settlement, an estimate for our cases that were wrongfully incarcerated from 10 years the settlement is expected to be between $10~15 Million.
And with 10% of the prison population serving over 10 years, we estimate this to be a $25Billion opportunity to do good for the Wrongfully Incarcerated.
To continue our work with the cases we already signed up for, we are seeking for an investment of $3 Million dollars.