Current Wrongful Conviction Cases and the Settlement Amounts.

Our Cases
James Jackson, Case No. BA282268.
In 2005, at age of 18 Mr James Jackson was framed for murder, by Officer Arciniega, and was sentenced to Life In Prison, even though the witnesses testified against Officer Arciniega’s tainted testimony. In 2021, CA Appellate Court after reviewing his petition for a writ of habeas corpus sent the case back to the Los Angeles Superior Court and ordered the Superior Court to issue an order to show cause to why he should not be released. we are currently working with him to get his release after 18 years Wrongfully Incarcerated. We would like to proceed in the findings of Mr. Jackson factual innocence and go forward with the settlement talks with CA State pending results. If successful, the settlement is expected to be over $15 Million.
This resembles very closely, to the accounts on the movie “Training Day” that was based on the real case of Officer Rafael Perez, which framed the suspects for personal gain.
David Portee, Case No. C 8150400
In 1981, Mr David Portee a married man at the time that also had a mistress was convicted for kidnapping, robbery and rape. His conviction was based on the blood type, and the police report by officer Jimenez which claimed witness Mr. Antonio Figueroa identified Mr Portee and the car license plate, an account that Mr Figueroa denies.
“At the preliminary hearing Mr. Figueroa stated the police officer Jimenez told him to pick line up #2 (Portee). Antonio Figueroa did not speak English but knew who the suspect was.”
And since in 1981 DNA was not available there was no other recourse.
In 2007, Mr Portee and the Innocence Project tried to appeal, but Innocence Project only took the case on the grounds of DNA evidence. But it was discovered that all the DNA was destroyed in 1991, even though in 1982 Judge Jeremiah Fogal ordered for the sperm DNA to be preserved for evidence, and since there was no DNA evidence Innocence Project withdrew from the case.
In 2014, Santa Clara County, General Counsel Lisa Herrick confirmed that there was no original Arrest Warrant nor affidavit on file.
All the circumstances put together, witness testimony, contradictory accounts by Officer Woodall, destruction of evidence and Arrest Warrant, show us that if MR Portee had the resources necessary to hire a competent Attorney to take his case he would be a free man.
Once free the settlement for a 43 years Wrongful Incarceration would be over $40 Million.
Freeing Mr Portee is what we will accomplish, for Mr Portee and others 40 Pillars will be here to help them get the freedom they rightfully deserves.